Founder of The Pretty Little Lifters, building confidence and community for women everywhere.

Being strong feels incredible

As a Latina millennial woman born and raised in Southern California, I grew up under the societal pressure to be thin and attractive at any cost. Going to the gym felt like a punishment. It felt like a place where I was under constant scrutiny for “not being perfect.” I didn’t have a positive experience in a gym until after college. It was then that I learned to love the feeling of building strength over seeking to make myself smaller. I then became a teacher, and a fitness coach after school, with the mission of helping other adults break the cycle of diet culture and develop healthy habits to support their lifestyle. When I was introduced to Crossfit in 2013, I became even more committed to growing as an athlete.

When exercise and nutrition are done with the sole intention of getting small, you begin to box yourself in. You shrink yourself down mentally and stop taking up space, because you feel like you don’t belong. These habits and mindsets that are taught to women from an early age are more damaging than we know, and they’re difficult to break.

After coaching many adults, and becoming a full time P.E. teacher, I realized how many people would have benefited from learning more about movement and health from a younger age. So, I began focusing on sharing what I wish we had learned about health and wellness in school and used that as the driving force behind The Pretty Little Lifters.

Build Strength With Me

Exercise became less about getting small and more about learning what I could do with my body when it was strong.

Including becoming a featured Nike legacy coach, speaking on stage at Michelle Obama’s book tour, and working with fitness brands like Reebok, Self Magazine, and Athleta. In 2021, I was selected as the winner of UCLA’s Extra Yard for Teacher initiative, and honored at their Rose Bowl football game.

Since founding PLL, I’ve had some incredible opportunities...

Including becoming a featured Nike legacy coach, speaking on stage at Michelle Obama’s book tour, and working with fitness brands like Reebok, Self Magazine, and Athleta. In 2021, I was selected as the winner of UCLA’s Extra Yard for Teacher initiative, and honored at their Rose Bowl football game.

I am a California state credentialed teacher in Physical Education and Health with a Masters in Teaching from USC. I am also Crossfit Level 1 certified, group fitness certified, and have a specialization in youth fitness.

I have led professional development talks on body image in teens, diet culture, health and wellness, and self-care for teachers. If you are seeking a guest speaker, panelist, or trainer for an upcoming event, please get in touch.

I am a California state credentialed teacher in Physical Education and Health with a Masters in Teaching from USC. I am also Crossfit Level 1 certified, group fitness certified, and have a specialization in youth fitness.

I have led professional development talks on body image in teens, diet culture, health and wellness, and self-care for teachers. If you are seeking a guest speaker, panelist, or trainer for an upcoming event, please get in touch.

The Pretty Little Lifters has worked with:

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The PLL mission is, first and foremost, to inspire women and girls to build the confidence to lift barbells and become critical consumers of “diet culture.” We help our community curate a new mindset surrounding fitness–that it’s not about getting smaller, but more about what you can do with your body when it’s strong.

We are improving life for the next generation of women by helping them build confidence that they can take up space both in life and in the weight room.

Our values are built around what you need to be strong.





As an online resource for both educators and future lifters, we share tips and techniques on how to build confidence in the gym and take a holistic approach to a healthy lifestyle.




We believe in balance in all things. Including our relationships with food and exercise.




We provide the resources that you need to feel confident and safe lifting weights.




Everyone has a place here. Others say it, we really mean it.




Our values are built around what you need to be strong.


As an online resource for both educators and future lifters, we share tips and techniques on how to build confidence in the gym and take a holistic approach to a healthy lifestyle.


We believe in balance in all things. Including our relationships with food and exercise.


We provide the resources that you need to feel confident and safe lifting weights.


Everyone has a place here. Others say it, we really mean it.

The Pretty Little Podcast covers the dimensions of wellness like: physical (workouts, weightlifting, nutrition, meal prep, etc), mental (anxiety, stress), emotional, social (beauty standards), career (teacher life, work life balance), intellectual, environmental, and financial (gym expenses, budgeting) Let's break the cycle of diet culture, one lift at a time! 

EVERYTHING we wish we learned in P.E. and Health class

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